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Resources Committee

  • Date: 06 February 2020
  • Time: 10:00 AM
  • Location: Pacific Quay, Glasgow

1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Declarations of interest

3. Resources Committee minute from meeting held on 05 November 2019 for approval

4. Resources Committee Action Log - Action Log for Approval

5. Decision on taking business in private (items 12 - 19)

6. Resource Planning
6.1 Financial Monitoring Report Q3 - For discussion
6.2 Spending Review 2020 - For discussion
6.3 Brexit Resource Implications – For discussion
6.4 COP26 Resource Implications - For discussion
6.5 Strategic Workforce Planning Update - For discussion

7. Transformation of Corporate Services Support (TCSS)
7.1 TCSS Overview Report - For discussion
7.2 Progress and activity update - For discussion

8. Procurement Annual Report - For recommendation to The Authority for approval

9. Benefits Monitoring
9.1 Productivity Improvements and Operational Capacity Gains Monitoring to Q3 - For discussion

10. People & Development
10.1 Health and Safety Report – Q3 For discussion
10.2 Wellbeing and Engagement Verbal Update - For discussion
10.3 People Management Information Dashboard Report Q3 - For discussion

11. Resources Committee Work PlanFor discussion


The following items will be taken in private:

12. Resources Committee minute relating to items held in private 05 November 2019 - For Approval

13. Resources Committee Private Items Action Log

14. Contracts Awards, Leases and Procurement
14.1 Contract Award - Supply and Delivery of Liquid Fuel - For recommendation to The Authority for approval
14.2 Contract Award – Print Equipment and Web to Print
14.3 Contract Extension of Ground Lease – Treslaig Radio Mast - For recommendation to The Authority for approval
14.4 ESMCP NSS Airwave Resilience – procurement update – For discussion
14.5 Review of Contract Expenditure – For discussion

15. Estates
15.1 Request to Declare Surplus to Operational Requirements Properties at Lochgoilhead and Kames - For recommendation to The Authority for approval
15.2 Proposed Relocation of Alloa Police Station to Clackmannanshire Council Buildings at Kilncraigs, Alloa - For recommendation to The Authority for approval
15.3 Proposed Relocation of Lesmahagow Police Station to SFRS Fire Station, Lesmahagow - For recommendation to The Authority for approval
15.4 Community Assets Transfer Request for Moffat Police Station - For recommendation to The Authority for approval

16. People & Development
16.1 Wellbeing Update - For discussion
16.2 SPRM Update and Project Milestones - For discussion

17. Charging for Events and Other Services - 2020/21 rates - For recommendation to The Authority for approval

18. Policies
18.1 Funded Officers Policy - For recommendation to The Authority for approval

19. Resource Planning
19.1 Spending Review 2020 - For discussion
19.2 2020/2021 Draft Budget - For discussion
19.3 Resource Allocation & Management of Change Update - For discussion
19.4 COP26 Resource Implications - For discussion

Subject to agreement by the Committee, the following Items of Business will be considered in private for the reasons noted below:
Items 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19: In accordance with the SPA’s Standing Orders section 21.

Next meeting

(From the date of this meeting)

17 March 2020

Location : Pacific Quay, Glasgow