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Complaints & Conduct Committee

  • Date: 06 June 2024
  • Time: 10:00 AM
  • Location: Online

Meeting Live Stream

Live stream viewable here once meeting started

Watch Meeting

1. Introduction and Welcome:
1.1 Chair’s Opening Remarks
1.2 Apologies
1.3 Declarations of Interest and Connections
1.4 Any Other business
1.5 Decision on taking business in private (Item 9 - 12)

2. Minute and Actions from previous meeting:
2.1 Minute from meeting held on 27 February 2024 for approval
2.2 Public Minute of Private Meeting held on 27 February 2024 for approval
2.3 Public Minute of Private Meeting held on 25 April 2024 for approval
2.4 Rolling Action Log and Matters Arising
2.5 Decisions since last meeting

3. Police Scotland Professional Standards Annual Performance Report 
Report for Discussion presented by Chief Superintendent Helen Harrison, PS

4. SPA Annual Report 
Report for Discussion presented by Darren Paterson, Head of Workforce Governance, SPA

5. PIRC Annual Report on Police Scotland Handling of Complaints and Investigation Referrals 
Report for Discussion presented by Raymond Brown, Head of Investigations and Ilya Zharov, Head of Reviews and Policy, PIRC

6. Police Scotland – Professional Boundaries Report 
Report for Discussion presented by Chief Superintendent Helen Harrison, PS

7. HMICS Assurance Review of Vetting – Action Plan
Report for Discussion presented by ACC Houston, PS

8. Complaints and Conduct Committee Work Plan 
Committee Chair 

Subject to approval at item 1.5 the following items will be considered in private.

9. Minute and Actions from previous meeting:

9.1 Minute from private meeting held on 27 February 2024 for approval
9.2 Minute from meeting held on 25 April 2024 for approval
9.3 Rolling Action Log and Matters Arising

PIRC will leave the meeting at this point.

10. Police Scotland Conduct Report
Report for Discussion presented by Chief Superintendent Helen Harrison, PS

11. Police Scotland Ongoing Non-criminal Complaints 
Report for Discussion presented by Superintendent Kate Stephens, PS

Police Scotland will leave the meeting at this point.

12. SPA Ongoing Complaints Update
Report for Discussion presented by Darren Paterson, Head of Workforce Governance, SPA

Membership Katharina Kasper (Chair), Paul Edie, Catriona Stewart, Fiona McQueen 

Subject to agreement at agenda item 1.5 above, the following Items of business will be considered in private for the reasons noted below: Items 9-12 in accordance with the SPA’s Standing Orders section 20.


Next meeting

(From the date of this meeting)

05 September 2024

Location : Online