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Resources Committee

  • Date: 10 August 2020
  • Time: 1:30 PM
  • Location: online

Meeting Live Stream

Live stream viewable here once meeting started

Watch Meeting

1. Standing Items
- Welcome and Apologies
- Declarations of interest
- Decision on taking business in private (items 5 - 8)

2. Health, Safety and Wellbeing
2.1 Q1 Health and Safety Report - For discussion
2.2 Q1 Wellbeing Report - For discussion

3. Q1 People Management Information Dashboard - For discussion

4. Strategic Workforce Issues
4.1 Draft People Strategy Year 3 Annual Delivery Plan 2020/21 - incorporating COVID 19 'New Normal' Activities - For discussion

The following items will be taken in private:

5. Procurement
5.1 Procurement Strategy - For recommendation to the Authority for approval
5.2 Review of Contract Expenditure (Compliance) - For discussion
5.3 Non Competitive Actions (NCA) Q1 Update - For discussion
5.4 Contract Award - Fleet Capital Purchase - For recommendation to The Authority for Approval
5.5 Contract Award - Fleet Infrastructure - For recommendation to The Authority for Approval

6. Digital Evidence Sharing Capability (DESC) Programme Update - For discussion

7. Leases
7.1 Dundee Radio Law Site Lease - For recommendation to The Authority for Approval

8. Business Cases
8.1 Video Conference Business Case – For recommendation to The Authority for Approval
8.2 GDPR Digital Data Drives IBC - For discussion
8.3 Force Wide Analytics IBC - For discussion

Subject to agreement by the Committee at agenda item 1 above, the following Items of business will be considered in private for the reasons noted below:
Items 5, 6, 7 and 8: in accordance with the SPA’s Standing Orders section 21.


Next meeting

(From the date of this meeting)

08 September 2020

Location : online