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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 20 May 2020

  • Date: 20 May 2020
  • Time: 10:00 AM
  • Location: online

Meeting Live Stream

Live stream viewable here once meeting started

1. Welcome and Standing Items:
- Apologies
- Declarations of interest
- Minute from meeting held on 25 March 2020 for approval
- Minute from meeting held on 30 April 2020 for approval
- Action Log and Matters Arising
- Decision on taking business in private (Items 13-16)
- Decisions since last meeting

2. SPA Vice Chair’s Report
Report for Discussion presented by the SPA Vice Chair

3. Chief Constable’s Report
Report for Discussion presented by the Chief Constable

4. Coronavirus Response:
a) Policing Response to COVID-19
Report for Discussion presented by the Deputy Chief Constable - Crime and Operations
b) Public Confidence
Report for Discussion presented by the Deputy Chief Constable – Local Policing
c) Police Scotland Corporate Services Update
Report for Discussion presented by the Deputy Chief Officer
d) Forensic Services Update
Report for Discussion presented by the Director of Forensic Services

5. Independent Advisory Group on Police Use of Temporary Powers Related to the Coronavirus Crisis
Report from the Chair of the Advisory Group, John Scott QC

6. SPA Interim Chief Executive’s Report
Report for Discussion presented by SPA Interim Chief Executive

7. Forensic Services:
a) Quarterly Performance Report and Benefits Realisation
Report for Discussion presented by the Director of Forensic Services
b) Business Plan 2020/22
Report for Approval presented by the Director of Forensic Services

8. Digital Forensics Working Group Report
Report presented for Endorsement of Recommendations by Robert Hayes, SPA Member and Chair of the Working Group

9. 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26)
a) Report for Discussion presented by Deputy Chief Constable – Local Policing
b) Report for Discussion presented by SPA Member Tom Halpin, Chair of the SPA Policing of COP26 Oversight Group

10. Financial Performance – Indicative Outturn
Report for Discussion presented by the Chief Financial Officer, Police Scotland

11. SPA Annual Business Plan 2020/21
Report submitted for Approval presented by the SPA Interim Chief Executive

12. Committee and Oversight Group Reports
Report for Discussion presented by the Committee and Oversight Group Chairs

The following items will be taken in private:

13. Standing Items:
- Minute for approval relating to items held in private on 25 March 2020
- Action Log and Matters Arising

14. Relocation Policy for Chief Officers
Report presented for Approval by SPA Interim Chief Executive

15. SPA Corporate Risk Register
Report presented for Approval by SPA Interim Chief Executive

16. SPA Organisational Design and Development Final Proposal
Report presented for Approval by SPA Interim Chief Executive


Subject to agreement by the Authority at agenda item 1 above, the following Items of business will be considered in private for the reasons noted below:
Items 13, 14, 15 and 16 in accordance with the SPA’s Standing Orders section:

• 21 a) information relating to identified or identifiable individuals (including members of staff) could be disclosed where there is no consent for disclosure and/or where there is a risk of harm to any individual from the disclosure.
• 21 d) matters to be discussed are the subject of legal proceedings (including misconduct or disciplinary proceedings) or where the information to be discussed consists of or includes legal advice provided to the SPA or to a third party.
• 21 e) an obligation of confidentiality exists in respect of the information to be discussed;
• 21 f) confidential commercial or financial information not already in the public domain could be disclosed;
• 21 g) proposals for significant organisational change, significant changes to the terms and conditions of staff or other sensitive matters are being considered;
• 21 h) discussion in public would be likely to inhibit the free and frank provision of advice or the free and frank exchange of views for the purpose of deliberation.

Next meeting

(From the date of this meeting)

16 June 2020

Location : Private Session