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Published: 20 November 2023

Letham - November 2023 - Community Confidence Action Research Final Report

Report Summary

This report summarises the work of the SPA and Police Scotland's Community Confidence Action Research Project in Letham.

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About Letham – Crime Data

Group 1: Non-Sexual Crimes of Violence

Although crime has increased in the past two years, this can be attributed mainly due to certain domestic abuse crimes becoming categorised as crimes of violence. There has also been an increase in threats and extortion crimes in the past year. The level of crime does continue to be higher than both the national and local authority levels.

Group 2: Sexual Crime

Sexual crimes in Letham have continued at a lower level in the past two years. The rate of this crime type is lower in Letham than the rate for both Perth and Kinross and nationally for crimes this year.

Group 3: Acquisitive Crime

Although the acquisitive crime level for this year is higher than previous years, this can be attributed to an increase in reported fraud cases. The level of other thefts has remained relatively stable within Letham. The rate is currently on par with the local authority rate whilst below the national average for this crime type.

Group 4: Damage Related Crime

The level of damage related crime has remained consistent within Letham in the past few years. The rate continues to be above both local and national levels but not by a significant margin.

Group 5: Other (including drug related)

This crime group saw an increase in Letham during 2022 which can be attributed to an increase in bail offences and also an increase in possession of an offensive weapon. Although this is a higher level that Perth and Kinross, it is now at the same level as the national average for this crime type.

Group 6: Miscellaneous Offences

This crime type is where miscellaneous offences which can be often considered as antisocial offences and include a range of offences including racial abuse, threatening behaviour and licensing offences. This crime type has seen an increase in Letham in 2022 and 2023 with the level of minor assaults and threatening behaviour charges both higher than average. This crime type is now higher than both the Perth and Kinross and national rate in Letham.

Group 7: Road Traffic

Traffic offences have seen an increase in the past two years purely down to a high number of accident offences being recorded in Letham. The levels of this crime remain lower than both the local authority and national rates for this offence type.

Source: Police Scotland Management Information

Note: Police Scotland Management Information for 2023 is for the period from January to August 2023

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