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Published: 20 November 2023

Letham - November 2023 - Community Confidence Action Research Final Report

Report Summary

This report summarises the work of the SPA and Police Scotland's Community Confidence Action Research Project in Letham.

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About Letham – Call Demand Data

Anti-Social Behaviour

Anti-social behaviour levels have decreased in Letham in the past couple of years compared to previous levels. The rate still remains well above the local authority and national rate for this type of call.


The level of crime related calls has continued to rise in the past couple of years with the level for 2023 already higher than the total for years 2018, 2020 and 2021. The level of calls continue to be at a higher rate than both Local authority and national levels.

Personal Safety

This call type remains very low within Letham with a small number of these calls recorded year on year. The rate of calls remains far lower than both Perth& Kinross and national average.

Public Welfare

The trend of increasing public welfare calls throughout Scotland has continued particularly within Letham. The call levels for 2022 are far higher than previous years and the total calls for 2023 are showing a similar level for Letham. The level of calls in Letham continue at around double the national and local authority rate for this call type.


The level of traffic related calls remain low within Letham with the rate of calls continuing to be lower than both local and national averages.

Source: Police Scotland Management Information

Note: Police Scotland Management Information for 2023 is for the period from January to August 2023

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