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Published: 19 December 2023

FOI 2023/24-052 - Communications between SPA and Police Scotland re recruitment of new Chief Constable

Report Summary

Issued 8 December 2023, this FOI response provides information held re communications between SPA and Police Scotland regarding recruitment of a new Chief Constable.

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Information contained in all meetings discussions communications and notes held by and between the Scottish Police Authority and Police Scotland - relating to the recruitment of a new Chief Constable for Police Scotland.
Appendix 1.1 – agendas for Authority / Police Scotland Chief Constable Recruitment Project Team

Appendix 1.2 – Action / Risk Log

Appendix 1.3 – Recruitment timeline / milestone plan

Recruitment Pack - also provided in PDF format as Appendix 6.3

Appendix 1.4 – Familiarisation Update email

Appendix 1.5 – Board Member Involvement

Whilst we aim to provide information wherever possible, some information is exempt in terms of the Act. Some names and contact details contained in Appendix 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 have been redacted, as this is third party data, considered to be exempt.

This exemption is absolute and therefore does not require the application of the public interest test. Whilst you may have a legitimate interest in disclosure of this information, it is our view that those interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subjects.


The numbers of applications, numbers of candidates shortlisted and numbers of candidates issued and any gender information for candidates who applied, were shortlisted and interviewed and numbers of any candidates who withdrew from the process (and at which stage of the process any candidate withdrew).

Two applications were received for the position of Chief Constable, both were shortlisted, with neither applicant withdrawing from the process.

Applications were received from one male and one female.


When the position of Chief Constable was granted (date) to the successful applicant (whom) and when they accepted.

The offer of appointment for the position of Chief Constable, Police Service of Scotland, was made on 13 June 2023 to Jo Farrell. The offer was accepted on 14 June 2023. Following the conclusion of all relevant checks, confirmation of the offer was provided on 3 July.


Which persons (identity, role, organisations) sat on the recruitment and interview panels and any remuneration claimed for this, and by whom.

Some of the information requested can reasonably be obtained. A news item was published on the Authority’s website on 5 April 2023 announcing the launch of the recruitment campaign to appointment of the next Chief Constable of Police Scotland. An advert and Information Pack were also published and the Information Pack provides details of those on the selection panel. To assist, the news item and associated advert / information pack is linked above as well as provided as Appendix 2.1 - 2.3.

No remuneration was claimed by the selection panel.


Information contained in any references and who gave the references for candidates (if not name - their role, position experience, organisation).

The details of authors of references, and the information contained within references, is third party personal data considered to be exempt from disclosure. The references produced for this appointment process were provided on a confidential basis. Confidential references are exempt from a data subject’s right of access to information (para 24 of Schedule 2 to the Data Protection Act 2018). Authors and subjects of confidential references therefore have a reasonable expectation of privacy in relation to any request for disclosure under FOISA. Such references are provided on the understanding that the information they contain is only to be used as part of the assessment process in determining the suitability of the candidate. The information will not otherwise be used or disclosed.

This exemption is absolute and therefore does not require the application of the public interest test. Whilst you may have a legitimate interest in disclosure of this information, it is our view that those interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subjects.

To assist, we can advise that two references were received for each candidate.


Info contained in any legal advice obtained or requested on the position of Chief Constable, applicants, and cost of legal advice, and authored by whom (lawyer, law firm KC or other).

The Scottish Police Authority did not request legal advice on this matter.

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