Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Resources Committee with the findings of a recent survey conducted with Board Members and stakeholders, seeking their feedback on the overall effectiveness of the committee. The report is for Members consideration and seeks to inform overall evaluation of the committee’s effectiveness during 2024/25, and subsequent assurance report to the Audit Risk and Assurance Committee in May 2025. This was presented for discussion at the meeting on 13 March 2025.
The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below
Resources Committee -13 March 2025
Date : 13 March 2025
Location : online
Members Survey Findings
The responses to questions in the survey used the scale set out below. The analytical tables show how many Members gave a particular response to each question.
Reporting to committee - There is a high level of agreement Members regarding the overall quality, clarity, and content of committee papers. However, one member noted that reports didn’t effectively reflect equality, human rights, or community impacts.
Three members noted that reports and papers submitted to the Committee should be adapted to be clearer, simplified, and accessible to non-executive readers. One member also felt that change requests should be submitted earlier, and that greater clarity should be provided on benefits delivery.
Priorities and progress - There is majority agreement among Members that the work of the Committee has a strong strategic focus, organisational culture, tracking progress, and impact.
One Member noted that slippage in the delivery of projects was an issue.
Members and overall operation – All Members agreed that they are confident in agreeing positions, providing genuine challenge, seeking assurances, and that they have the right balance of skills, knowledge and experience.
Governance Support and Remit - Members all agree that the Committee receives appropriate advice on taking certain agenda items in private, and that minutes of meetings are of a high standard, and the Committee’s remit is fit for purpose.
One Member noted that changes could be made to improve decision making, including more succinct reports and a more effective form of follow-up by officers.
Terms of Reference – Five out of six Members indicated that the Committee is fully discharging its responsibilities in line with its terms of reference.
Overall, the results for the Resources Committee are largely positive, with a few areas for improvement identified.
Areas where consideration might be given for improvement include:
• Improving the content of reports submitted to the Committee to be clearer, more accessible, and reflect equality, human rights and community impacts to a greater extent;
• Earlier submission of change requests; and
• Stronger focus on deliverables.
Stakeholder Survey Findings
The responses to questions in the survey used the scale set out below. The analytical tables show how many stakeholders gave a particular response to each question.
Priorities and Workplan – feedback from stakeholders suggests there is more work to be done to ensure visibility and understanding of the committees priorities and alignment to its workplan.
Reports to Committee - stakeholders agreed that reports to the Committee are easy to understand and it was clear from reports what the Committee is being asked to do. One stakeholder said that papers were not circulated and/or published with enough time to consider.
Meeting Management – stakeholders strongly agreed that the meetings were effectively managed.
One stakeholder stated that there was, on occasion, a lack of direct initial or supplementary questions to report authors. It was not clear from the submission whether this was specific to the Resources Committee or another committee.
Overall effectiveness – The stakeholder agreed that the committee’s work enhanced transparency and accountability in policing. However, they were unsure whether the committee was effective in overseeing policing; whether members are effective in their questioning and scrutiny of issues, and whether the Committee is effective in supporting policing.