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Published: 01 October 2024

Committee and Oversight Group Reports - 26 September 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through Committee and Oversight Group meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 26 September 2024

Date : 26 September 2024

Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH

Resources Committee

Main Items of Business
Financial Monitoring, planning and oversight
• Q1 Change Portfolio

• Estates Masterplan
• Initial Business Case – Force Training Centre

Key Issues Raised

Q1 Change Portfolio
• Members considered a report and commended the work done to improve what is reported to Committee. Both Police Scotland and Members agree further improvements are necessary to develop the report so that it fully meets the governance and oversight of delivery requirements of the Authority.
• Members sought and received assurance that controls are in place, at a national level, to manage staffing resource across the Change Portfolio to mitigate any risk to delivery caused by staff churn.
• The role of the Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) was explored by Committee and discussion focused on the importance of this role in driving a project. Members agreed that future meetings will focus on seeking assurance that Project SROs are being held to account for delivery of projects on time and within budget.
• Members reaffirmed their expectation that Body Worn Video cameras will be deployed to officers by the end of this financial year

• The Committee discussed at length, the Estates Masterplan which outlined how the plan has been developed, the strategic priorities for the estate, and an outline 10 year capital programme of estates modernisation to support the Revised Model of Policing, in line with the Business Plan, and Police Scotland 2030 vision.
• Areas discussed in detail included
• Funding
• Community planning
• The importance of internal and external engagement and comms
• Lessons learned from previous estates projects
• Community impacts and plans to address these
• Partnership opportunities
• Dependencies across various business areas
• Prioritisation
• An Initial Business Case was considered which outlined the current options for the Force Training Centre at Jackton.

Conclusions/ Actions Reached
• The Committee endorsed the Estates Masterplan and noted the next steps and timeline for matters to be progressed.
• Police Scotland to write to the Chair of the Authority to provide clarity on the timeline for Body Worn Video (BWV), highlighting any further risks to delivery with mitigating actions.
• Committee approved delegated authority to commence negotiations in respect of the lease at the Force Training Centre at Jackton.