Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through Committee and Oversight Group meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 26 September 2024
Date : 26 September 2024
Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH
People Committee
The formal minutes of the public items of business will be available at the meetings scheduled for 27 November 2024. These will also be published on the SPA’s website. A full recording of the public items of business taken at these meetings can be accessed at here.
Wellbeing and Inclusion
Wellbeing Action Plan and HMICS frontline Focus Implementation Plan
The implementation plan was welcomed by Members and a further report to clarify anticipated delivery timelines/milestones along/what evidence of improvement will provide the committee with assurance that progress and improvements are being seen by the workforce.
Forensic Servies People Committee Reporting
The Committee is satisfied plans are in place to provide assurance reporting in respect of the Forensic Services workforce. The reporting will include workforce monitoring data, H&S Reporting and exception reporting on any other areas in accordance with the People Committee Terms of Reference.
HMICS Review of Culture in Police Scotland – Action Plan
The Committee welcomed the commitment to ensuring the Staff Voice is part of the work and asked that this takes place at an early stage so that it can be part of the conversation to shape plans.
Policing Together - Sex Equality and Tackling Misogyny Impact Measures Report
Members considered an overview of the work in this area and noted the effort to streamline strategic oversight of Policing Together. This has resulted in SETM now falling within the wider Policing together remint and it is anticipated this will drive EDI priorities and re-align the internal governance structures so that an improved collaborative approach is in place across all PT workstreams. The Committee is keen to understand the plans to evidence progress and impact.
Staff Voice – Staff Survey update
A high-level update was provided which confirmed a good level of staff engagement with the recently closed survey. The Committee fully agrees with the Chief Constable’s commitment to using data and insights from this survey to drive action.
Fair Work
An annual assessment of Fair Work was discussed and Members were pleased to hear good progress is being made towards embedding Fair Work principles across Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority. The focus for 2024/25 will be on delivering Fair Work areas for development through the People Strategy and Strategic Workforce Plan whilst also continually improving the approach to assessing impact.
Creating a Positive Workplace
Members welcomed a report which confirmed more early resolutions of workplace issues are being seen due to the mediation opportunities in place. The Committee heard that over 800 front line managers have now completed the training and this has resulted in good confidence levels from managers that they have appropriate skills to deal with grievances professionally.
Strategy, Policy, and Planning
Learning & Development
Health & Safety
The Committee was concerned about the number of officers who have not completed mandatory training (e.g. Officer Stafey Training, Fire Safety Training). An update on mandatory training completion has been requested for the next meeting as the Committee require assurance that there is a plan to ensure all training is completed as required and that this will be done at pace.
The Chair expressed concern and disappointment that not all officers who need Surefire earplugs have them. She sought clarity on when the frontline officers who still do not have the safety equipment will have it. It was agreed an update will be provided to the Committee as soon as possible and for this update to outline the plan and associated timescale for all officers who need them, to have the safety earpieces.
An update was provided in respect of a Health & Safety matter affecting Forensic Services. Members were assured that steps have been taken to address the issues and that reviews have been carried out at all sites. A response has been sent to the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and Members have asked that the HSE’s assessment is shared as soon as it is available.
Pension Forfeiture
An update on 2 ongoing Pension Forfeiture cases was considered.
• Further information and assurance in respect of officer safety training compliance required promptly along with plans to address any gaps.
• Assurances to be provided that no officers will be deployed to Operation Moonbeam (Police Scotland’s response to keeping people safe around Bonfire Night) without the Surefire ear safety equipment. Plans to equip all front-line officers who need the equipment to be shared with the committee.
• Extra meeting of the People Committee to be organised to allow timely consideration of the Staff Survey results.
• Further information on how impact and progress will be measured in respect of the Sex Equality and Tackling Misogyny initiatives.
• Forensic Services to provide Members with update in relation to ongoing H&S matter at the earlier opportunity.