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Published: 01 October 2024

Committee and Oversight Group Reports - 26 September 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through Committee and Oversight Group meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 26 September 2024

Date : 26 September 2024

Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH

Revised Model For Policing Oversight Group

The meeting on the 12 September 2024 was chaired by the Authority Vice Chair, Fiona McQueen. HMICS attended the meeting on 12 September.


Police Scotland’s Vision 2030

Draft 3 Year Business Plan for the Revised Model

The Supporting Narrative – explaining what the new model will mean for the public, officers and staff, partners and stakeholders

Supporting engagement on the Vision, Revised Model and Business Plan

Assessing and Managing Risk

Police Scotland’s 2030 Vision
Members considered the updated Vision at both meetings, asking about the engagement supporting its development, and key themes emerging from engagement. Police Scotland reported there is broad support for the direction of travel and streamlining the strategic landscape. Trades Unions had requested a greater focus on workforce, to be reflected in the final version of the Vision and Business Plan.
Members received assurance that the Vision directly references the Strategic Outcomes and aligns with the Joint Strategic Police Plan.
Draft 3-Year Business Plan for the Revised Model and the supporting narrative
Members considered the draft Business Plan and supporting narrative on 21 August, and a revised draft on 21 September which had been refined and updated to take account of engagement outputs and clarify the narrative.
Members recognised the improvements made and the integration of the narrative between the August and September meetings.
DCC Connors briefed members on development work, key elements, and consensus on the need to streamline the strategic planning landscape. The Business Plan will align with the Annual Police Plan but will also provide the framework for the service to work beyond a single year plan.
Members emphasised the need for the plan to deliver within the available financial envelope and also have strict delivery milestones so that the delivery of the programme will be monitored and measured.
Members sought assurance that scenario planning is being considered particularly in relation to Finance and Risk. Police Scotland confirmed that financial modelling is being undertaken for various scenarios and will be refined for both capital and revenue as future funding is clarified. The available resource will have an impact on delivery timelines and may require further choices. It was noted that the main financial work will take place in the coming months.
Communications for the plan’s publication will focus on what will look and feel different for the public, staff, officers and stakeholders using examples. Police Scotland reported that they are working with Divisional teams to ensure reach into local communities.
Members received assurance that the milestones and the commitments set out in the plan will fit into the existing Performance Framework to be tracked and reported on.

Supporting Engagement
Police Scotland explained the scope and scale of the supporting internal and external engagement programme in the development of the Vision and Draft Business Plan.
Those engaged include HMICS, Diversity Associations, Trades Unions and staff associations, COSLA, and senior leaders in policing. Health partners have been engaged through the Your Police Forum, and the relevant Scottish Government sponsor departments. Engagement outcomes informed the revised Vision and Draft Business Plan presented to the Group at the September meeting. Further engagement with local stakeholders and teams will be delivered at Divisional Level, and aligned with the Policing Together Model, to ensure effective reach into wider communities and to those groups it can be challenging to engage with.

Risk Management
Police Scotland reported to Members on how related risk is being identified and tagged across the service, the ISO standard informing the approach, the process for escalation and de-escalation, and how risk will be managed for the Revised Model. As a consequence of this discussion, Police Scotland will reference high level strategic risk in its report to the Authority in September.


Members thanked Police Scotland for the considerable work on this programme which has been completed at significant pace. Members welcomed the updated 3 Year Business Plan which will be presented in public for endorsement at the 26 September Authority Meeting.

Future meetings will consider:
• Police Scotland internal Governance Review and the development of the operating model and supporting detailed plans.
• Tracking progress, and integration with the Performance Framework.