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Tom Halpin QPM

Development Lead

Image of Board Member Tom Halpin standing outside of an office building.

Tom is a former Deputy Chief Constable of the legacy Lothian and Borders Police. He joined the Authority in March 2018 and was awarded the Queen's Police Medal in 2008.

Between 2009 and 2020, Tom was Chief Executive of SACRO, a leading community justice organisation which works to create safer and more cohesive communities across Scotland. 

A Chartered Director and Fellow of the Institute of Directors, Tom previously Chaired the Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector Forum and is a Council Member of the Scottish Association for Studying Offending, both influential 'think-tanks' on such matters.

Register of Interests (last updated June 2024)

Registered Interest Description of Interest
Remuneration None
Other Roles

Member of the Working Group on Antisocial Behaviour, Scottish Government

Contracts None
Election Expenses None
Houses, Land and Buildings None relevant
Interests in Shares and Securities None
Gifts and Hospitality None
Non Financial Interests None
Close Family Members None