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Paul Edie

Chair - Forensic Services Committee

Image of Board Member Paul Edie sitting at a desk inside an office building.

Paul Edie joined the Authority in April 2021. He is a former Chair of the Care Inspectorate, a member of the Scottish Social Services Council and a non-executive director of Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

Prior to this, Paul had an extensive career in politics serving as a Liberal Democrat Councillor for 23-years on Edinburgh City Council where he was Chair of the Council's Health, Social Care and Housing Committee for five years and Liberal Democrat Group Leader for 4-years. Paul also chaired the Edinburgh Community Safety Partnership for five years and was a non-executive director at NHS Lothian. 

He is an Inorganic Chemist by profession.

Register of Interests (last updated June 2024)

Registered Interest Description of Interest
Remuneration Non-Executive Director of Redress Scotland
Chair, Board of Bield Housing Association
Other Roles None
Contracts None
Election Expenses None
Houses, Land and Buildings None relevant
Interests in Shares and Securities Small number of Standard Life shares from demutualisation
Gifts and Hospitality None
Non-Financial Interests

Member of the Scottish Liberal Democrats

Close Family Members
