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Grant Macrae

Chair - Resources Committee

Image of Board Member Grant Macrae standing outside of an office building.

Grant Macrae joined the Authority in April 2017 and brings strong practical experience in public sector accounting, accountability, audit and risk.

Grant was previously appointed by the Accounts Commission and Audit Scotland to audit a wide range of local and central government bodies, several of which operated with substantial risk profile over multi-sites.

He has extensive corporate governance across the private, public not-for-profit sectors and has recently been involved in the development of international public sector accounting standards.

His current board roles include charities where he chairs the finance or audit and risk committees.

Register of Interests (last updated June 2024)

Registered Interest Description of Interest
Remuneration NXD of David MacBrayne Ltd and subsidiary company Calmac Ferries Ltd
Other Roles
  • Unremunerated; Governor of St Columba’s Hospice;  President of Rotary Club of Edinburgh; Independent Member of Audit & Risk Committee of University of Edinburgh
  • Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland and Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
  • Trustee of  the Merchant Company Education Board (unremunerated)
  • Unremunerated; President of Edinburgh Rotary Club (until July 2024)
  • Treasurer of The Royal Company of Merchants of The City of Edinburgh
Contracts None
Election Expenses None
Houses, Land and Buildings None significant to, or relevant to, or bear upon the work and operation of SPA
Interests in Shares and Securities None significant to, or relevant to ,or bear upon the work and operation of SPA
Gifts and Hospitality None
Non-Financial Interests None
Close Family Members None