Strategic Police Plan (2023-2026)
To support the Strategic Police Priorities, the Authority, with Police Scotland, has developed a Strategic Police Plan. This sets out the main objectives we seek to achieve for policing in Scotland. The Joint Strategy for Policing was approved by the Authority in May 2023. A Gaelic language version of the plan is also available.
Find out more about Joint Strategy for Policing 2023 - Policing for a safe, protected and resilient Scotland - Accessible
Forensic Strategy (2021-2026)
This strategy sets out the aspirations for Forensic Services to continue delivering world leading, high quality and value-for-money forensic services which better meet the needs of our criminal justice partners, and the expectations of the Scottish public.
Find out more about the Forensic Strategy
SPA Corporate Strategy (2023-2026)
The Authority's role and responsibilities are set out in a Corporate Strategy for 2023-2026. This strategy explains how the Authority will contribute to delivering the policing priorities and police plan; what outcomes the Authority aims to achieve, and the high level activities designed to achieve them.
Find out more about SPA Corporate Strategy 2023-2026