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Joint Research and Evidence Forum

This page outlines the aims of the Joint Research and Evidence Forum (JREF) and the progress of previous JREF meetings.

What does JREF do?

The Forum enables Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority (including Forensic Services) to jointly engage with key stakeholders on the value, benefits and impact of research and evidence on policing policy and practice.

The Forum promotes the contribution that policing data can make to strategic improvement activity and the delivery of the Vision for Justice in Scotland, and will promote the commissioning of activities that help to shape future policy on Scottish policing.

The Joint Forum has agreed the following four outcomes for the Policing System:

  1. The commissioning of future research benefits from enhanced governance, improved coordination and specialist, technical advice regarding methodologies and data availability and access.
  2. Commissioned research is reviewed, its impact understood, and evidence of effective, evidence-based policing in Scotland is being championed and communicated to a wider audience.
  3. Knowledge exchange activities (seminars, webinars, RoundTables etc.) are used to enhance engagement on an agreed programme of work and set of strategic research priorities for the Forum, with reach across networks expanded.
  4. External research funding opportunities are identified, influenced and utilised, aligned to the agreed strategic research priorities of the Forum.


The Forum will review its progress on an annual basis through a self-evaluation exercise by the Membership.

The Forum will:

  • Discuss and agree strategic research and evidence priorities for the policing system in Scotland, seeking to add value to existing activities in individual organisations.
  • Respond to insights arising from the analysis and assessment of horizon scanning findings that cover: the policing system as a whole, new and emerging legislation and its impact for policing; and strategic change across the wider public sector.
  • Consider and advise on the strategic guidance for the use of policing data for research purposes, noting individual projects will be subject to the relevant governance within Police Scotland, SPA and Forensic Services.
  • To agree the sponsorship of system wide discussions, workshops and other activities including key stakeholders to discuss and influence future policy on policing.
  • Consider the outcomes and recommendations of research projects and programmes from across the policing system.
  • Discuss and provide feedback on emergent potential research projects and advise on strategic fit and to identify ethical human rights, privacy and other issues of public interest.


Previous Meetings

December 2024 - Agenda & Meeting Minutes

October 2024 - Agenda & Meeting Minutes

June 2024 - Agenda & Meeting Minutes

March 2024 - Agenda & Meeting Minutes

December 2023 - Agenda & Meeting Minutes

August 2023 - Agenda & Meeting Minutes

May 2023 - Agenda & Meeting Minutes

January 2023 - Agenda & Meeting Minutes

October 2022 - Agenda & Meeting Minutes