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Public Disclosure

The Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 requires public bodies, including the Authority and Police Scotland, to publish information relating to expenditure and certain other matters.

We publish this information annually as part of our commitment to openness and transparency.

The Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 requires the Authority and Police Scotland to publish annually information relating to expenditure and certain other matters.

Information on the following is required to be published annually.

Expenditure on public relations; overseas travel; hospitality and entertainment; and external consultancy

Public relations and external consultancy spend are disclosed as part of the Authority's annual report and accounts - see Financial Statements under 'Other operating expenditure'.

Overseas travel, and hospitality and entertainment, spend by the Authority and Police Scotland is provided:

Year Overseas travel Hospitality and entertainment

2023 – 2024



2022 - 2023 £278,852


2021 - 2022 £23,274


Amount, date, payee and subject matter of payments >£25k

Disclosure reflects payments above £25,000 to companies and organisations who provide services to the Authority and/or Police Scotland as part of our work. See Related Content below.


Number of individuals (if any) receiving remuneration >£150k

For current remuneration of the Authority's and Police Scotland's leadership teams see Related Content below.


Steps taken to to promote / increase sustainable growth and to improve efficiency, effectiveness and economy

This information is available within the Accountability Report that makes up part of the Annual Report and Accounts, refer to the Governance statement and content on Best Value. See Related Content below.


Remuneration paid to special advisers

Not applicable.

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