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Best Value

The page tells you how the Scottish Police Authority seeks to ensure best value within Scottish policing.

Best Value is about ensuring that there is good governance and effective management of resources, with a focus on improvement, to deliver the best possible outcomes for the public.

Best Value is about ensuring that there is good governance and effective management of resources. Its focus is improvement, and delivering the best possible outcomes for the public.

The duty of Best Value applies to all public bodies in Scotland. The Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 places a requirement on the Authority to make arrangements which secure best value. It is a formal duty for the Authority and for the Chief Constable of Police Scotland.

Our Annual Report and Accounts includes reporting on Best Value within the Accountability Report. See ‘Related Content’ below.

Related Content

Green icon showing weighing scales.

SPA Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22

Published: 17 November 2022