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Scottish Police Authority Resources Committee

  • Date: 19 June 2024
  • Time: 10:00 AM
  • Location: online

Meeting Live Stream

Live stream viewable here once meeting started

Watch Meeting

1. Standing Items
1.1 Welcome
1.2 Apologies
1.3 Declarations of Interest and Connections
1.4 Decision on taking business in private (item 6 - 12)
2. Minute and Actions from previous meeting
2.3 Decisions since last meeting
3. Financial Monitoring and Planning 
3.1 P1 Financial Monitoring report - Report for discussion presented by the Head of Corporate Finance, Police Scotland
3.2 Unaudited Year End Outturn 2023/24 - Report for discussion and approval presented by the Head of Corporate Finance, Police Scotland
4. Benefits Monitoring 
4.1 Transformational Benefits Tracker – Year End - Report for discussion presented by the Chief Digital and Information Officer, Police Scotland
5. Estates 
5.1 Estates Continuous Improvement Initiatives Update and Next Steps - Report for discussion presented by the Chief Financial officer
Subject to approval, the following items will be taken in private.
6. Minute and Actions from previous meeting
6.1 Resources Committee Minute from private meeting held on 13 March 2024 for approval
6.2 Private Items Action Log Review and Matters Arising
7. Financial Monitoring and Planning
7.1 Scheme of Delegation Approvals Report - Report for discussion presented by the Head of Corporate Finance, Police Scotland
7.2 Body Worn Video update – Verbal update for discussion presented by the
Chief Digital and Information Officer, Police Scotland
8. Estates
8.1 Annual Estates Scheme of Delegation Approvals Report - Report for discussion presented by the Head of Finance, Police Scotland
9. Business Case Scrutiny
9.1 Initial Business Cases/Full Business Cases – nil
9.1.1 Cyber Security Initial Business Case (IBC) - Report for approval presented by Chief Digital and Information Officer
9.2 Change Control
9.2.1 National Law Enforcement Data System (NLEDS) - Report for approval presented by ACC Criminal Justice
9.3 End of Project Reports – nil
9.3.1 Custody Remodelling - Report for discussion presented by ACC Criminal Justice
9.3.2 Productions Remodelling - Report for discussion presented by ACC Criminal Justice
10. Procurement and Contract Awards
10.1 Procurement Performance Report - Report for discussion presented by the Head of Strategic Procurement
10.2 Contract Award: Desktop Client Devices - Report for approval presented by the Head of Strategic Procurement
10.3 Contract Award: Motorola Terminals & Peripheries - Report for approval presented by the Head of Strategic Procurement
10.4 Contract Award for National Enabling Programme Support (NCA) - Report for approval presented by the Head of Strategic Procurement
11. Committee Planning
11.1 Workplan - Report for discussion presented by the Head of Finance, Audit and Risk, SPA
12. Financial Monitoring
12.1 Chief Officer Relocation Costs Assurance Report - Report for discussion presented by the Workforce Governance Lead, SPA

Next meeting

(From the date of this meeting)

13 August 2024

Location : online