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Resources Committee

  • Date: 18 December 2020
  • Time: 10:00 AM
  • Location: online

Meeting Live Stream

Live stream viewable here once meeting started

Watch Meeting

1. Standing Items
1.1 Welcome and Apologies
1.2 Declarations of interest
1.3 Resources Committee Minute from meeting held on 12 November 2020 - For Approval
1.4 Resources Committee Action Log Review - For discussion
1.5 Decision on taking business in private (items 7 – 14)

2. Financial Monitoring
2.1 P7 Financial Monitoring Report - For discussion
2.2 Transformation Programme Benefits Tracking Q2 Update Report - For discussion

3. Resource Planning
3.1 SPRM Project (Verbal) Update - For discussion

4. Health, Safety and Wellbeing
4.1 Workforce Equality, Diversity & Human Rights - For discussion
4.2 Wellbeing and Engagement - Employee Survey Update - For discussion

5. People Strategy Mid-Year Review - For discussion

6. Mobile Working – Academic Evaluation of Project Benefits - For discussion


Subject to approval at item 1 the following items will be taken in private.

7. Standing Items 

7.1 Resources Committee Minute from items considered in private meeting held on 12 November 2020 - For Approval
7.2 Resources Committee Action Log Review - For discussion

8. Contract Awards & NCAs
8.1 Procurement NCAs Q2 Compliance Report - For discussion
8.2 Q2 Review of Contract Expenditure – For discussion
8.3 Contract Award: LAN Core – For Recommendation to The Authority for Approval
8.4 Contract Award: Cybercrime Isolon Storage & Data Centre Refresh – For Recommendation to The Authority for Approval
8.5 Contract Award: PCards – For Recommendation to The Authority for Approval

9. Leases
9.1 Glasgarnoch Radio Site Lease Extension – For Recommendation to The Authority for Approval

10. Financial Planning
10.1 Police Scotland Brexit Preparedness (Supply Chain and Finance) - For discussion

11. Business Cases
11.1 Reform Business Case for VR/VER for 2020/21 - For recommendation to the Authority for onward submission to Scottish Government.

12. Project Updates
12.1 SPRM Project Update – including Governance and Communications Process - For discussion
12.2 Commercial Excellence Lessons Learned Report - For discussion
12.3 ESMCP Update - For discussion

13. Police Scotland Flexible Response Unit: Review of the Strategic, Tactical and Operational Benefits - For discussion

14. Draft Strategic Workforce Plan – For discussion

Subject to agreement by the Committee at agenda item 1 above, the following Items of business will be considered in private for the reasons noted below:

Items 7 - 14: In accordance with the SPA’s Standing Orders section 20.


Next meeting

(From the date of this meeting)

09 February 2021

Location : online