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Policing Performance Committee

  • Date: 11 June 2024
  • Time: 10:00 AM
  • Location: online

Meeting Live Stream

Live stream viewable here once meeting started

Watch Meeting

1. Introduction and Welcome
1.1 Apologies
1.2 Declarations of Interest and Connections
1.3 Minute from Policing Performance Committee Meeting 12 March 2024 for approval
1.4 Rolling Action Log and Matters Arising

2. Policing Performance Reporting
2.1 Quarterly Policing Performance Report – Q4 2023/24
Report for discussion presented by Director of Strategy & Analysis, Police Scotland
2.2 Chief Constable's Annual Assessment
Report for discussion presented by Director of Strategy & Analysis, Police Scotland
The following paper has been withdrawn at the request of Police Scotland
2.3 Annual Police Plan – 2024/25 Milestones and Deliverables
2.4 ICVS Annual Report
Report for discussion presented by the Head of Change and Operational Scrutiny, SPA
2.5 Public Polling Insights
Report for discussion presented by the Strategy and Research Lead, SPA
2.6 COSLA Update
Verbal update provided by Councillor Maureen Chalmers, COSLA

3. Oversight of Improvement in Policing
3.1 Mental Health, Distress and Policing Update
Report for discussion presented by the Head of Strategy & Performance, SPA and Chief Supt Matt Paden
3.2 HMICS Inspections Improvement Plans – Progress Summary for Demand, Custody, Fife and Dumfries & Galloway
Report for discussion presented by Head of Policy Audit Risk and Assurance
3.3 Biometrics Review of Images and Progress Report
Report for discussion presented by Brian Plastow, Scottish Biometrics Commissioner
3.4 Criminal Justice Services Division (CJSD) Improvement Programme
Report for discussion presented by Assistant Chief Constable Criminal Justice

4. Oversight of Operational Policing Matters
4.1 Proportionate Response to Crime Update
Report for discussion presented by ACC Local Policing North
4.2 Air Support Plan
Report for discussion presented by ACC Operational Support
4.3 PREVENT Duty assurance and Police Scotland approach
Report for discussion presented by ACC Policing Together, Partnership and Prevention

Next meeting

(From the date of this meeting)

18 September 2024

Location : online