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Policing Performance Committee

This page tells you how the Scottish Police Authority monitors police performance.

This covers a range of operational policing issues. The Committee also considers any proposed changes to operational policing deployments that may have particular implications for ethics, human rights, or the public interest.

COSLA's Community Wellbeing Spokesperson, Councillor Maureen Chalmers also attends and participates at the Authority's Policing Performance Committee. This offers insights to Police Scotland's performance from a local authority perspective. 

Terms of Reference - PPC

Public sessions of the Policing Performance Committee are open to the press and public to observe.

  • Agendas are published seven working days ahead of the meeting.
  • Papers are published three working days ahead of the meeting.

Last Meeting

11 June 2024

Location : online

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Archived Meetings

You can access meetings, papers and available recordings of our Policing Performance Committee for the current financial year and the last two financial years from the Publication Library. If you are looking for meetings or papers prior to March 2020, please contact us.