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Legal Committee

  • Date: 14 May 2024
  • Time: 10:00 AM
  • Location: Online

Meeting Live Stream

Live stream viewable here once meeting started

Watch Meeting

1. Introduction and Welcome:
1.1 Chair’s Opening Remarks 
1.2 Apologies
1.3 Declarations of Interest and Connections
1.4 Decisions taken since last meeting
1.5 Decision on taking business in private (Item 3 - 4)
Report for Discussion presented by James Douglas, Legal Services Manager, PS
The following items will be taken in private
3. Litigation Overview
Report for Discussion presented by Susan Montgomery, Lead Solicitor, SPA and James Douglas, Legal Services Manager, PS
4. Police Appeals Tribunals
Report for Discussion presented by Eric Leggat, Solicitor, SPA 
Membership: Jane Ryder (Chair), Grant Macrae, Catriona Stewart, Caroline Stuart, Michelle Miller 
Subject to agreement at agenda item 1.4 above, the following Items of business will be considered in private for the reasons noted below: Items 3-4 in accordance with the SPA’s Standing Orders Section 20.

Next meeting

(From the date of this meeting)

10 June 2024

Location : Private Session