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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority

  • Date: 30 April 2020
  • Time: 1:00 PM
  • Location: online

Meeting Live Stream

Live stream viewable here once meeting started

Watch Meeting

1. Welcome and Standing Items:
- Apologies
- Declarations of interest
- Minute and Actions from meeting held on 25 March 2020 will be carried forward for approval to the next scheduled meeting of the Authority on 20 May 2020
- Decisions since last meeting

2. SPA Vice Chair’s Report
Report for Discussion presented by the Vice Chair of the Authority

3. Policing Response to COVID-19
Report for Discussion presented by the Chief Constable

4. SPA Interim Chief Executive’s Report
Report for Discussion presented by the Interim Chief Executive

5. SPA Forensic Services
Report for Discussion presented by the Director of Forensic Services

6. Independent Advisory Group on Police Use of Temporary Powers Related to the Coronavirus Crisis
Verbal report for Discussion from the Chair of the Advisory Group, John Scott QC

7. Committee and Oversight Group Reports
Report for Discussion presented by the Committee and Oversight Group Chairs

Next meeting

(From the date of this meeting)

18 May 2020

Location : Private Session