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Technology in Policing

New and emerging technologies have informed the thinking in the Scottish Police Authority.

This page brings those considerations together in one place. It collects together first-person thought pieces and publications from within and outwith the Authority. 

Image of SPA Head of Change and Operational Scrutiny, Scott Ross, sitting at an office desk.

Insights and Events

A key element of oversight of technology in policing is creating the space to consider the implication for human rights and the public impact of technology applications.

In this section you can read some of the first-person insights from internal and external guest authors, including a piece from the Authority's Head of Change and Operational Scrutiny, Scott Ross.

New and Emerging Technologies

In this section you can find some of the Authority's Public Briefings on new and emerging technologies in policing. This includes information on drones, body worn video, mobile working and tasers.

Public Confidence and Polling

All new technologies have the potential to impact on public confidence in policing. You can read our latest Public Briefing on confidence in policing in this section.

Understanding Scotland: A New Survey for Scotland - Technology October 2023

This issue of Understanding Scotland: Technology series, explores the Scottish public’s attitudes to and expectations of new forms of technology.

This is the third report in this series and compares findings with those of 2021 and 2020, examining current evaluations alongside changes over time.

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