What is Best Value?
Every public body in Scotland must ensure good governance practices are in place; resources are effective managed, and there is a focus on continuous improvement.
In this section you will be taken to Audit Scotland's website where you can find out more about this legal duty, why its important and how it is monitored across Scotland.
Find out more about Best Value in Scotland
How we monitor Best Value in policing
The Authority considers the activity and approach Police Scotland, Forensic Services and the Authority's Corporate team take to show how they are achieving best value. All reporting on Best Value across policing is considered by the Authority's Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee. You can find information about the committee, meeting dates and papers from this section.
The most recent reports on Best Value across policing are linked in the related content section below.
Find out more about Audit Risk and Assurance Committee
The Authority - our progress
The Authority's Corporate team supports the Board and its committees to fulfil its responsibilities to review, improve and hold the Chief Constable to account for the policing of Scotland. The Corporate team annually assesses how it is progressing against the seven best value themes. The most recent self-assessment was reported in November 2023 and showed that the Authority's Corporate function was:
- 57% fully compliant
- 42% partially compliant
- 0% non-compliant
- 1% not applicable.
You can read the full results in this section and consider previous performance reports in the related content links below.