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Published: 29 November 2023

Your Voice Matters Bi-annual Update - 27 November 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of Your Voice Matters Bi-annual Update. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People committee - 27 November 2023

Date : 27 November 2023

Location : online

Further Detail on the Topic

Your Voice Matters Intranet Page

A dedicated Your Voice Matters intranet page has been created with Corporate Communications. The dedicated online presence will keep colleagues engaged and informed about how their feedback is influencing change e.g. Policing Together and Your Leadership Matters.

The page features a video message from ACC Bond as chair of the steering group, for Executive visibility and accountability to the ongoing commitment to listen and respond to the colleague voice.

The page will be updated with a ‘You Said We Did’ summary which clearly articulates tangible activities and improvements which respond to what colleagues told us in the survey. The ‘You Said We Did’ narrative is shown in Appendix B.

Divisional Improvement Activity

As part of the dissemination of results, each divisional SMT participated in a dedicated briefing to fully discuss their local results, including analysis of free text responses, and identify areas of potential improvement activity.

Working with People Partners, each Division has provided a summary of activities and deliverables which have made a positive impact and improved the lived/living experience of colleagues.

The positive activities undertaken across the service can be broadly categorised into the following themes:

• Culture
• Wellbeing Focus & Support
• Personal Development
• Senior Management Visibility & Interaction
• People Focus
• Resourcing

Further information on recent divisional activities in relation to these themes and how it connects to our Your Voice Matters results is captured in Appendix C.


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