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Published: 11 August 2023

Your Leadership Matters (YLM) Phase 2 Update - 31 May 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an update on Your Leadership Matters (YLM) Phase 2.  

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 31 May 2023

Date : 31 May 2023

Location : online

Further Detail

Aims and Objectives of the Programme

It is critical that we invest in the development of our leaders, not only for our people, but also for the people that we serve across our communities. It is vital that we equip our leaders with the support, capability and skills they need to be able to lead, in a manner that is aligned to Police Scotland’s Competency and Values Framework, and to the three leadership behaviours that have been defined as part of the YLM programme (see Appendix 1 YLM Phase Two High Level Overview)
Lead and learn inclusively
To have the courage to do the right thing
Collaborate for growth

Leading and learning inclusively must be the consistent thread that runs through everything that we do. Building inclusive teams with diverse perspectives to proactively strengthen decisions and solutions. Learning with a restless curiosity, prioritising development, and continuous improvement. Being deliberately appreciative about our people, public and partners and the work we do together.

We must continue to display moral courage in decision making to do the right thing for our teams, partners, and the public. Leading with confidence but with the vulnerability and humility to admit to and learn from mistakes. Role modelling personal accountability and setting clear boundaries of authority so that our people can do the same.

In our efforts to collaborate for growth we must build trust with our people, public and partners as one collegiate team. Constructively challenge with honest, open feedback to improve performance and decisions. Support each other with compassion so that we all remain healthy, resilient, and well.

The YLM programme is the foundation for the wider leadership and management development programmes, and talent approaches, being delivered by Police Scotland, and is an enabler for Policing Together.

YLM core programme delivery commenced in April 2023 and runs through to October 2024. To support the implementation of the programme, investment has been made in an engagement and launch of YLM for the Senior Leader population (circa 250) to share key messages and equip these leaders to act as role models and ambassadors for the programme as it is implemented across the broader leadership population.

The YLM core programme is being divided into two cohorts; the first cohort comprises approximately 515 mid-level leaders (Chief Inspectors and staff grades 8-10 with line management responsibility). The second cohort is made up of approximately 5,000 First Line Leaders, (Sergeants, Inspectors and staff grades 4-7 with line management responsibility).

The overall organisational aim is to deliver Phase Two of the Your Leadership Matters core development programme, embed the three leadership behaviours and to create a positive leadership culture across the service.

The Leadership and Talent team are working in partnership with EY to develop the YLM Phase Two core programme and will continue to work in partnership until Oct 2024 at which point the partnership with EY will end on this project and the YLM core programme will be delivered as BAU by the L&T function.

Learner Journeys

The YLM team are working directly with EY to ensure that the content created meets the specific aims and objectives of the three leadership behaviours.

YLM Phase Two has been designed to focus upon ‘Learner Journeys’ and to help ensure context is engaging, immersive and contextualised to Police Scotland, a number of internal influential key speakers have been selected to help shape the overall learner journey and bring the learning to life. Learning summits will provide an interactive learning experience with the following activities:
Senior Sponsor opening each event
Police Scotland speakers sharing lived experiences of the leadership behaviours
In the spirit of lead and learn inclusively speakers will be from across all ranks and grades
Utilising digital technology, (videos & interactive apps)
Appropriate leadership themes and models applied in Police Scotland context
Digital sound bites (Police Scotland colleagues sharing specific experience / knowledge around summit topic areas
Break out groups for collaborative peer conversations
YLM microsite

For the senior leader group, this learner journey will include a launch event where Deputy Chief Constable Fiona Taylor will provide an input to set the context and importance of attendance and commitment. This will then be followed by a four-hour summit that will introduce and set the current context whilst consolidating the learning on the YLM Leadership Behaviours. There will also be a call to action in terms of how the senior leader group can support and engage the mid-level leaders, before a closing session is then provided (Appendix 2 Programme High Level Design).

For the mid-level leadership group, the learner journey will include a launch event with the force executive providing an input to set the context and introduce the YLM programme. Following this there will be three separate learning series that are themed on the Leadership Behaviours, each series will include one virtual interactive summit with guest speakers, digital content and sound bites, and one consolidation session. A programme close session will then be provided with a focus and a call to action on how to embed the YLM behaviours, additionally what actions the leaders will take to support and engage the first level leadership group. (Appendix 2 Programme High Level Design)

For the first level leadership group, there will be a similar journey to that highlighted above and the journey will also include a virtual launch event with force executive input. There will then be three separate learning series that are themed on the Leadership Behaviours, each series will include one virtual interactive summit with guest speakers, digital content and sound bites, digital learner book and drop-in consolidation sessions. The purpose of these sessions is to provide participants with learning on key leadership topics, with an opportunity to discuss and understand how to apply them to their day-to-day role. This will then be followed with a closing session. (Appendix 2 Programme High Level Design)

As part of the content development and design phase, a YLM Stakeholder Working Group has been established from a cross-section of the organisation to further ensure that programme content is contextualised and relevant to programme participants. The Working Groups also help link EY with a cross-section of the organisation to test content and ensure that it is pitched at the correct level and is relevant for all participants.

Programme Timelines

To ensure a successful implementation of the programme which meets the organisational demands and provides a coherent learner journey, three programme schedules have been developed.

Based on feedback from Phase One it has been agreed that the full YLM programme is managed through rostering on SCoPE (the HR system where all individuals’ training is booked alongside their rotas) to help individuals commit to attendance.
Senior Leader Events, led by EY and Police Scotland Leadership and Talent Team:


Mid-Level Leaders (Chief Inspectors & staff Grades 8-10) Summits led by EY with Police Scotland Leadership & Talent Team Supporting:


Consolidation sessions led by Police Scotland Leadership and Talent Consultants. Series 1: 29th May – 9th June, Series 2 10th – 21st July, Series 3 21st Aug – 1st Sept.

First Level Leader (Sergeant, Inspector and staff grades 4-7) Summits led by EY with Police Scotland Leadership & Talent team Supporting.


The First Level programme implementation plan is agile to accommodate operational needs, and participants will be scheduled based on organisational capacity.

There will be four rotations of the three learning series for the 5,000 FLL YLM journey:
Rotation 1: Aug 2023 – Dec 2023
Rotation 2: Dec 2023 – Apr 2024
Rotation 3: Apr 2024 – Jul 2024
Rotation 4: Jul 2024 – Oct 2024


The aim of the evaluation strategy is to successfully measure YLM core programme outcomes and development growth of leadership behaviours, through various methods of quantifiable data. This will inform ongoing improvements to any elements of the programme and aid decision-making about future courses of action. Evaluation will be conducted and analysed throughout the YLM core programme. The various methods are:

Pre / Post programme leadership confidence and capability measures
Series surveys, asking specific questions in relation to the leadership behaviour content.
Focus groups & deep dive interviews

The criteria to successfully evaluate the YLM core programme interlink with the following organisational strategies and reports: Policing Together Strategy, EDI Strategy 2022-2026, Your Voice Matters 2021 Survey and Joint Equality Outcomes for Policing 2021.

Using the results from the Your Voice Matters 2021 Survey, the YLM programme content aims to address these lower performing areas, linking these to the three leadership behaviours and the positive actions our leaders can take to address these issues.
Fear of Making Mistakes – score 3.13 / 7
Experienced Workplace Incivility – score 2.04 / 5
Authoritarian Leadership – score 3.24 / 7
Supportive Leadership – score 4.80 / 7
Inclusive Leadership – score 5.40 / 7
Team Inclusion in Decision-Making – score 5.08 / 7

A full evaluation strategy has been developed and further details can be found in Appendix 3.

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