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Published: 15 September 2023

Written Submission to Criminal Justice Committee - 2024/25 Pre Budget Scrutiny

Keywords : BWV

Report Summary

The Scottish Police Authority and Police Scotland made a joint written submission to the Scottish Parliament's Criminal Justice Committee ahead of its 2024/25 pre budget scrutiny. The evidence session was held in Parliament on 13 September 2023. 

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Scottish Government's Resource Spending Review - May 2022

The SPA / Police Scotland submission to the Scottish Government’s RSR process
outlined how responsive, effective, operationally competent policing is a pre-requisite for safety and security; for social cohesion; and for a vibrant and sustainable country.

The submission highlighted that for the service to stay ahead of growing volumes of complex demand, increasing levels of vulnerability, ever evolving threats and risks, forthcoming legislative requirements, and ensuring a sustainable and resilient service, Scottish Government’s investment in policing must go significantly beyond real terms protection or flat cash to allow the service to keep pace with the rising cost of change, service transformation and the introduction of new technology to enable that. 

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