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Published: 15 March 2023

Workforce MI Report - 28 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority's People Committee with an overview of Workforce MI Report, Quarter 3.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 28 February 2023

Date : 28 February 2023

Location : online

Duty Modifications

At the SPA People Committee agenda planning meeting on 16 December 2022, it was requested that SPA PC members be provided with details of the revised duty modification descriptors developed by the Duty Modifications Task Force (DMTF) who last year reviewed our processes for individuals requiring a modification to their duty.

During review, there was evidence to suggest that the previous naming conventions contributed to confusion for line managers updating records, with some instances of legacy names continuing to be used incorrectly.

It was agreed they were not fit for purpose and the group took into account learning from England and Wales, engaged with business areas such as Professional Standards, as well as with Staff Associations over revised terminology and definitions resulting in recommending the following changes:

Recuperative: duties undertaken following an injury, accident, illness or medical incident (including pregnancy-related illness that include any condition that is linked to pregnancy or loss of pregnancy) during which the officer /staff member adapts to and prepares for a return to full duties and the full hours for which they are paid, or is assessed to determine whether they are capable of making such a return. This must be no more than 12 months.

Adjusted: duties in respect of which workplace adjustments (including reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010) have been made to overcome barriers to working for individuals awaiting assessment to see whether they have a permanent disability, injury or illness that permanently prevents them fulfilling the full remit of their role.

Protected (pre-natal, post-natal): duty/deployment modifications as a result of the completion of the expectant/nursing mother’s risk assessment. This category does not include pregnancy related illnesses linked to pregnancy or loss of pregnancy (see Recuperative Duties).

Restricted (PSD): duties to which an individual is allocated in circumstances in which: verifiable confidential or source sensitive information or intelligence has come to the notice of the force that questions the suitability of them to continue in their current post; or where serious concerns are raised which require management actions, both for the protection of individuals and the organisation.

IHR Retained: applies to officers who are medically assessed as having a permanent disability that prevents them from fulfilling a fully operational police officer role, and where, as an alternative to leaving the organisation through IHR, their retention as an officer with permanent duty modifications in other suitable roles has been formally recommended on the Chief Constable’s behalf, and approved by the SPA.

These revised categories were implemented on SCoPE on 8 November 2022.

Work continues to progress the recommendations of the DMTF which are reviewed monthly through P&D Operational Delivery Meeting and bi-monthly progress updates are provided to Strategic Leadership Board. Of the original thirteen recommendations made by the DMTF, eight have now been completed, with five remaining open and on track.


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