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Published: 15 March 2023

Workforce Management Information Development & Improvement Plan - 28 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority's People Committee with an overview of the Workforce Management Information Development & Improvement Plan.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 28 February 2023

Date : 28 February 2023

Location : online

Further Detail

Proactive monitoring of the data has tended to be limited to data held on the SCoPE system which holds the majority of People data across a variety of modules including:

Personal Record;

Duty Roster;


Events Operations;



Line management;

Flexible Working; and

Overtime and Allowances claims.

There are other systems however which hold People Data that are not normally reported on in terms of people metrics which include:

Finance – which contains all pay related data;

Recruiting – contains all recruitment, promotion and selection data;

APU – which contains exit survey data;

People Direct – which contains all grievance related data;

PSD – which contains all discipline related data.

Requests for specific analysis such as the impact of overtime on absence and wellbeing and the relationship between temporary ranks, promotion and sex of the applicant illustrates that an inclusion of data from these other systems is required in order to improve the monitoring and the reporting of data in order to fully monitor and understand people data.    

Review of reporting to the SPA - 

SPA People Committee members have indicated that they would prefer an analysis of People Data to be presented with action plans to remedy identified issues rather than numerous pages of data that requires interpretation. Additionally, there has been a request for improved benchmarking of the People data to allow organisational comparisons of whether there are People issues that need to be resolved. It has also been suggested that improved data sets are presented within papers that are discussing particular issues that allow for a clear indication of the issues and the scale thereof e.g. clearer explanation of the categories of duty modification across the police officer workforce.

An early focus of the ongoing review is around the frequency and content of reporting to the SPA People Committee. We will work with SPA officers to progress this work.

Going forward, all papers presented to SPA People Committee will be reviewed in terms of data to ensure that where relevant significant data is presented in a format that meets with expectations of members.

Timescales for delivery

Work to deliver the Workforce MI Review and Improvement Plan is currently underway and will conclude by June 2023 with the adoption of new reporting formats from Q1 of reporting year 2023/24 (at SPA People Committee on 29 August 2023).

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