Report Summary
This report summarises the work of the SPA and Police Scotland's Community Confidence Action Research Project in Wick.
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About Wick South - Intermediate Datazone
In 2023 the majority of properties in Wick South were clustered in council tax bands A, B and C (87%), with 12% in D and E and 1% in F, G and H. In Highland Council there is a slightly more even spread of properties across the bands (bands A-C 55%, D-E 33%, and F-H 12%) (Scottish Government).
Notably in relation to Highland Council and Scotland as a whole, Wick South has:
Lower educational attainment (CPOP, 2022/23)
A higher proportion living within 500 meters of a derelict site (ScotPHO, 2022)
A higher rate of population income deprived (ScotPHO)
Lower life expectancy for males and females (ScotPHO)
A higher rate of early mortality (CPOP, 2022/23)
A higher percentage of those claiming out of work benefits (CPOP, 2022/23)
Higher rates of child poverty (CPOP, 2022/23)
A higher rate per 100,000 of Alcohol-Related hospital admissions (ScotPHO, 2022/23)