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Published: 02 October 2023

Wick - August 2023 – Community Confidence Engagement Results

Category: Reports

Report Summary

This report outlines the key themes from the SPA and Police Scotland’s engagements in Wick which aimed to gain insights into views on the findings of the community confidence survey and how policing could be enhanced to inform the second phase of the Community Confidence Action Research Project work in Wick.

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On July 12th 2023, the Scottish Police Authority and Police Scotland held an engagement session with representatives from the community of Wick as part of the Community Confidence Action Research Project.

The day focused on the findings of a recent survey conducted in Wick and sought to gain insights on how people felt policing in Wick could be enhanced via a table discussion exploring the following questions:

Do you recognise Wick in these findings and in what ways?

Is there anything you feel is missing from the findings or would want to add?

What do you think could enhance confidence in policing in Wick?

This paper summarises the key themes from this engagement and the ideas people had for enhancing confidence in policing.

Notes taken by facilitators were collated to identify ideas expressed by people that could enhance confidence in policing in the area. This led to the identification of three key areas which are detailed in this paper (Presence, Communication and Contact/Engagement).

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Community Confidence Action Research

Published: 22 March 2024