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Published: 15 March 2023

Wellbeing Report - 28 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of Wellbeing Report, Quarter 3.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 28 February 2023

Date : 28 February 2023

Location : online

Trauma Risk Management

Across Q3 there were 85 TRiM referrals amounting to a total of 451 individuals. The main reason for referral across Q3 remains suicide (24%) and road traffic collisions (RTC) (26%). This has been consistent for TRiM for the last nine years. Other referrals include 18% for sudden deaths, 5% for other fatality, 11% for violence
against officers/staff, 11% for incidents with children and 5% for murders.

The TRiM team continues to provide invaluable support to all areas of the organisation and demand continues to be high. To build resilience across the TRiM team in order to maintain levels of service there are three foundation courses for new assessors planned for Q4 (one at the end of January, beginning of March and
end of March). This will see the recruitment and training of 38 new assessors across key areas. A further course is planned for some additional co-ordinator roles specifically across the five specialist
Divisions. Work has commenced to recruit the specialist coordinators. 

We continue the development of our current cohort of TRiM assessors and co-ordinators; three refresher courses are planned. The first will take in the East in March with a further two (North and West) still to be agreed.

The TRiM procedure and guidance was reviewed at the end of 2022 following on from the Licence Renewal weekend in November. This event saw the development of a new TRiM training manual for all
qualified assessors which resulted from a review of practices and training within Police Scotland following on from the wider TRiM evaluation. This manual will be disseminated throughout refresher training courses.

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