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Published: 19 April 2023

Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy - 23 March 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 23 March 2023

Date : 23 March 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh

Draft Implementation Plan

The VAWG Strategy builds on a significant range of work that has been underway in the service for a considerable period of time. Implementation of the VAWG Strategy will require a whole service approach and to ensure appropriate arrangements, oversight and measures of success are in place.  How Police Scotland intends to achieve this is set out within the accompanying Implementation Plan.

Strategy, Insight and Engagement have worked with colleagues across the service to produce a high-level implementation plan which covers all commitments set out in the strategy as well as reflecting relevant activity already captured for publication in the Annual Police Plan 2023. The plan will continue to be updated and reviewed as developments in key areas such as the Public Protection Development Programme progress.  Delivery of key activities is dependent on additional funding for resources.

The delivery of the VAWG Strategy and its Implementation Plan are key strategic priorities for Police Scotland, however fully realising our ambition is dependent on appropriate funding being made available to deliver the resources required.

Progress on the Implementation Plan will be monitored and reported through existing governance arrangements. The refreshed Performance Framework will encompass measures to enable the Authority to effectively track progress and this will be shared with this committee in June 2023.

A range of methods will be used to communicate progress in implementing the plan and meeting the commitments set out in the strategy.

A communications plan is in place to launch the strategy to colleagues and the wider public.

Both the strategy and plan are presented to the Authority for approval.

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