Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 23 March 2023
Date : 23 March 2023
Location : COSLA, Edinburgh
Development of the Strategy
Strategy, Insight and Engagement and Public Protection undertook a significant programme of research and engagement activity to develop a VAWG strategy that meets the needs of victims and survivors and reflects the unique role policing has in tackling VAWG.
Collaboration with internal colleagues across the service as well as external partners with experience and knowledge of a wide variety of VAWG related issues has been critical. Public and stakeholder engagement activity has delivered a series of invaluable insights to inform and support the strategic narrative. This work included:
VAWG Stakeholder Engagement Forum – an ongoing strategic forum with key stakeholders. The third SEF meeting took place on 01/02/2023. Stakeholders provided feedback on the strategy and this was incorporated into the document.
Police Scotland, SPA & COSLA VAWG Seminar September 2022. Feedback was invited from SPA and COSLA members.
Academic Challenge Sessions – a series of focused discussions led by academic experts in subject matters related to VAWG.
Futures Sessions – seminars with academics highlighting future trends relating to VAWG.
Storytelling space – an online space providing survivors and witnesses with a safe space to share their experiences
Dialogue platform – opportunity for members of the public to contribute possible solutions to these issues online.
Focus groups with survivors and Women’s Aid employees.
In depth one to one interviews with survivors, including those with Autism.
Conversation Cafes – where men were invited to share their opinions on VAWG and how Police Scotland can respond.
The public engagement undertaken embedded trauma informed practice within the research methodology and was survivor-centred. Feedback and an update will be provided to all those who took part ahead of publication of the strategy, in accordance with best practice.
Scottish Government, COSLA and SPA have been key stakeholders throughout the development of the strategy and each has provided supportive feedback on the final draft. The VAWG Oversight Board and Project Group have been updated throughout the development of the strategy and implementation plan.
SPA board members have been regularly updated throughout the strategy, planning and engagement process.