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Published: 06 September 2023

Terms of Reference

Report Summary

This document outlines the terms of reference, purpose and scope of the Authority's Policing Performance Committee


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Green icons showing 7 inter-connected circles.

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 24 August 2023

Date : 24 August 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh

Membership, Attendees and Meetings

Membership and Attendees:

The Committee will comprise a minimum of three Authority Members including the chair (“Committee Chair”).

The quorum for the Committee will be two Authority Members including the Committee Chair.

A representative from COSLA has a standing invitation to attend and contribute to Committee Meetings.


The Committee will hold at least four scheduled meetings per year, although the precise number of meetings will be dependent upon the nature and extent of the Committee’s business.

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