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Published: 09 December 2024

Terms of Reference - Policing Performance Committee

Report Summary

This document outlines the terms of reference, purpose and scope of the Authority's Policing Performance Committee


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Green icons showing 7 inter-connected circles.

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 November 2024

Date : 28 November 2024

Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this Committee is to provide public oversight and scrutiny of the Policing of Scotland with a focus on promoting and supporting continuous improvement in the service provided to people places and communities by Police Scotland.

The Committee will do this through the publication of public papers and the broadcast of public live streamed meetings which are then retained and made available to the public via the internet.

The Committee will conduct a thorough assessment and exploration of policing performance metrics presented in the dashboard associated with the approved performance framework, on a quarterly basis, with a particular focus on demonstrating Police Scotland’s actions in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the people of Scotland. This is to provide assurance to the Authority Board and the public on the efficiency and effectiveness of deployed policing operational resources.

The Committee will have a focus on assurance provided through benchmarking or comparative analysis of evidence or research from other relevant police forces or other agencies.

The Committee will keep the performance framework and dashboard under review and consider for approval any proposed revision.

The Committee will examine and promote the public understanding of, and confidence in, specific ongoing policing operational approaches and policies which are in the public interest.
The Committee will examine 6 monthly reports which evidence service delivery improvement, assessments and milestone-based measures of progress towards the delivery of the 2030 Vision, Revised Model of Policing and associated Annual and 3 Year Business plans. This is to demonstrate progress towards being a service which delivers, safer communities, less crime, supported victims and a thriving workforce and provide assurance to the Authority Board.

The Committee will consider relevant publications by HMICS on operational policing matters and provide a forum through which the Authority can take assurance from Police Scotland on the resultant improvement to service delivery.

Aligned to the Joint MoU on proposed new and emerging strategies, policies or practices, the Committee will provide assurance to the Authority Board, on the comprehensive development of these proposals through the Rights Based Pathway.

The Committee will seek assurance on the appropriate assessments, engagement and consultation processes, required by the pathway, in order to support an informed, justifiable and proportionate decision to adopt these proposals as operational practice.

The Committee will act as a public forum for COSLA and local scrutiny panels views and observations on Policing Performance to be considered in a national context.

The Committee will act as a public forum to record and examine the public polling of citizens views on trust and confidence in policing delivery as well as collating and exploring independent citizen views on specific policing related issues.

The Committee will consider regular reports from the National Crime Agency on their work within and impacting on Scotland with a focus on partnership with Police Scotland and their contribution to tackling threats to the safety and wellbeing of citizens in Scotland.

The Committee will promote partnership working by Police Scotland with other public services and selected organisations from other sectors whilst seeking assurance that partnership arrangements are in the public interest, promote safety and wellbeing of citizens and have been subject to appropriate and ongoing due diligence and assessment.

The Committee will oversee the effectiveness of the Independent Custody Visiting Service in Scottland and recognise the contribution made by volunteers to protecting human rights.

The Committee will provide a forum to consider the outputs of any review of the Strategic Police Plan and provide advice to the Authority on any proposed revision.

The Committee will consider other matters as requested by the Authority.

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