Report Summary
This document outlines the terms of reference, purpose and scope of the Authority's People Committee.
The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 November 2024
Date : 28 November 2024
Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA
Purpose and scope
The purpose of this Committee is to provide oversight, scrutiny and assurance to the Board on all significant workforce matters relating to the Authority/Police Scotland, including providing advice, guidance and support on the development and implementation of workforce strategy and policy. The Committee will provide advice and assurance to the Board on these matters and any other specific items which the SPA Board requests of it.
The Committee will seek assurance of continuous improvement in the efficient and effective use of workforce resources in accordance with the principles of Best Value; and that ethical and legal obligations to the workforce, including those related to health & safety and equality, are being met, serving to ensure the highest possible standard of people management. This will include seeking evidence of an organisational culture which values diversity, ensuring that equality considerations are mainstreamed into workforce strategies, policies and plans, serving to attract, develop and retain a workforce which is representative of the communities which the Authority/Police Scotland serves.
The Committee will make decisions in relation to applications for ill health retirement, and injury on duty awards; and pension forfeiture. The Committee will also decide the process for appointment to the ranks of Chief Constable, Deputy Chief Constable and Assistant Chief Constable and to Director level roles within the Authority/Police Scotland (including temporary appointments).
Meetings will be used to:
- Contribute to, review and endorse workforce strategies, policies and plans; approve workforce policies on behalf of the Board; and make recommendations to the Board on the approval of workforce strategies ensuring a comprehensive, strategic approach to people management, aligned with wider organisational strategy, and seek evidence of resulting delivery against identified outcomes which serve to optimise performance in an ethical and sustainable way.
- Consider, in conjunction with the Resources Committee where appropriate, and recommend to the Board for approval, proposed changes to staff terms and conditions; discuss, as appropriate, working practices/ people management issues highlighted to the Committee by the Authority/Police Scotland representatives on the Official Side of the Police Negotiating Board; and recommend an Authority position to the Board in relation to changes to police officer Regulations and Determinations which are being consulted on via the Scottish Police Consultative Forum.
- Seek assurance, in conjunction with the Resources Committee, that workforce planning is effectively integrated with strategic and financial planning processes, providing a cohesive approach to planning organisational capacity and skills in support of corporate objectives and serving to develop a diverse and sustainable Authority/Police Scotland workforce.
- Seek assurance as to the effective attraction, retention and management of talent; that leadership development needs are kept under review; and consider and monitor the implementation of effective succession planning arrangements, with a view to ensuring the continued ability of the Authority/Police Scotland to respond to the challenges and opportunities facing them.
- Determine and approve the optimum process and implement arrangements for appointment to the ranks of Chief Constable, Deputy Chief Constable and Assistant Chief Constable and to Director level roles within the Authority/Police Scotland (including temporary appointments), providing assurance to the Board in relation to those arrangements. The final decision on appointment will rest with the Board.
- Seek assurance that workforce performance is effectively managed and developed to achieve organisational goals. In collaboration with the Chair of the Board, exercise oversight of the objectives set for the Chief Constable, the Authority Chief Executive, and Director of Forensic Services, and review the arrangements for their performance appraisal; and exercise oversight of performance appraisals completed in respect of other members of the SPA/Police Scotland executive.
- Seek assurance that effective, regular and consistent approaches to workforce engagement and involvement are in place (including structures, systems and processes for consultation and negotiation with statutory staff associations and trade unions); and seek evidence which demonstrates that the contribution and wellbeing of the workforce is valued and recognised.
- Seek assurance on the capacity and capability of the People & Development function, including staff, systems and processes.
- Seek to ensure effective delivery against identified outcomes through determination of standards in relation to the fair and effective management of the workforce; and overseeing implementation of robust monitoring arrangements.
- Review the adequacy of controls in place to mitigate risks identified through the strategic risk register pertinent to the business of the Committee.
- Provide workforce governance information for the statement of internal control.
- Determine applications from police officers for ill health retirement and injury on duty awards, and seek assurance that effective processes are in place for the administration of applications for ill health retirement and injury on duty awards.
- Make decisions in relation to: Pension forfeiture in accordance with the relevant regulations: The application of underpayments to injury on duty awards to recover sums overpaid to former police officers in receipt of injury on duty awards; Granting retrospective injury on duty awards to former police officers; and to seek the agreement of the Scottish Public Pensions Agency to those decisions
- Consider such other matters as required by the Board.