Report Summary
This document outlines the terms of reference, purpose and scope of the Authority's Exceptional Circumstances Committee.
The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 November 2024
Date : 28 November 2024
Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA
Membership and Meetings
The Committee will comprise the Chair of the Authority who will be the Committee Chair and a minimum of two other members of the Board.
The quorum of the Committee will be three Members including the Committee Chair.
In the event that members (including the Chair) appointed to the Committee are unable to participate in a Committee meeting and the Committee is no longer quorate, other members of the Board shall be appointed to the Committee to make the Committee quorate.
The procedures for the Committee meeting are as follows:
- The number of meetings will be dependent upon the nature and extent of the Committee’s business. Meetings will be held where necessary in matters of urgency at short notice.
- Items of business must be submitted with a clear rationale explaining the exceptional circumstances and the urgency that make it necessary for the Committee to deal with the business. The Committee Chair shall determine whether exceptional circumstances requiring urgent business to be dealt with by the Committee exist.
- Meetings of the Committee will be held to deal with matters of urgency and the Committee Chair will, on a case by case basis, provide details of the procedures to be followed in relation to notice of the meeting, agenda, and circulation of papers.