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Published: 13 June 2023

TASER Roll Out Update - 15 June 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority's Policing Performance Committee with an overview of TASER Roll Out Update. This was presented for discussion at the meeting on 15 June 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 15 June 2023

Date : 15 June 2023

Location : online



There are financial implications with this paper.

For financial year 2023/2024 to train an additional 600 STOs and refresh the current cadre is estimated to cost £1,066,370 revenue and £115K capital.


Taser has been successfully deployed across Scotland by STOs since 2018 without reputational implications for Police Scotland.


The community implications are being addressed through the delivery of communication and engagement plan, engagement sessions and the implementation of the Taser Advisory Group.     


An Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessment (EQHRIA) is in place and will be updated on a regular basis to ensure the positions of advocacy groups and the Taser Advisory Group are noted, included and where possible mitigated.


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