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Published: 07 May 2024

Stop & Search Public Briefing - May 2024

Keywords : public briefing stop and search

Report Summary

A Public Briefing summarising Stop & Search. Published in May 2024.

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Stop and Search Data: England and Wales

To give some context to the stop and search data recorded in Scotland, Authority officers have collated stop and search data reported in England and Wales. It is important to note that data between England and Wales
and Scotland cannot be directly compared. There are several reasons for this, including how stop and search data are recorded, the different ethnicity and age categories used between these two reporting areas and
different census data used. Some key data from England and Wales includes:

• There were a total of 529,475 searches carried out in England and Wales in 2022-23, which equates to 88.8 per 10,000 of the population. Of these, 28% were positive, while for 72% nothing was found.

• The rate of searches for men was 159.9 per 10,000 of the population, compared to 18.4 for women. For men, 28% of searches were positive, with 27% for women.

• The 18-24 age category had the highest rate of searches, at 314.5 per 10,000 of the population. This was followed by the 10-17 age group at 194.4, then 25-29 at 167.6

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