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Published: 13 June 2023

Stop & Search Performance Update - 15 June 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Stop & Search Performance Update. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 15 June 2023

Date : 15 June 2023

Location : online

Looking Forward

As we progress through 2023/24, the previously described strict internal governance and scrutiny of the use of stop and search will remain.

The Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Article (Scotland) Act 2022 was passed by Scottish parliament on 22 June 2022 and received Royal Assent on 10 August 2022. On 6 June 2023 the next stage of the legislation was introduced, specifically for the misuse of pyrotechnic articles in a public place and a designated sporting/music event. This includes a search power to support the legislation. The national stop search database and receipt process has been updated to accommodate this power ahead of implementation.

NSSU are in early dialogue with colleagues from Training and Development to refresh and update training packages available to further support officers and increase their confidence in using the tactic. Additionally a bespoke package for supervisors is being explored to ensure they are aware of their oversight responsibilities for compliance and proactivity.

Body Work Video (BWV) was successfully introduced to Armed Policing in 2021. A Code of Practise was developed collaboratively with a number of key stakeholders including PIRC and COPFS who are fully supportive of a wider BWV use. The key benefits include an increase in public confidence, supporting officer and public safety and provides improved operational effectiveness for complaint resolution and post incident investigations.

A national roll of BWV would provide further transparency and accountability when officers are using their stop and search powers, with full audio and video recording. The national BWV policy and procedure is currently under development and the inclusion of stop and search will be specifically detailed, subject to key holder consultation. A proposed initial roll of BWV to front line officers is expected from June 2024.

All operational officers now carry a mobile device which provides a range of administrative benefits and replaces the traditional handwritten notebook. NSSU are currently in dialogue with Digital Division to embed this improved IT technology in to the recording of stop and search to streamline the process. This development would allow officers to submit a stop and search form directly from their mobile devices whilst deployed within the community and provide the member of the public subject to search with an electronic printed receipt, which would replace the current hand written receipt.

NSSU continue to explore opportunities for continuous learning and development to promote good practise and consistency across the country. Bespoke divisional workshops will continue, building on the feedback received from those already delivered to both front line officers and management. It is important to continuously look to improve our application of this valuable tactic.

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