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Published: 24 January 2023

Spiking Update - 7 December 2022

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Police Scotland's Spiking Update.

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Policing Performance Committee - 7 December 2022

Date : 07 December 2022

Location : online

Prevalence, Analysis & Ongoing Investigations

In mid-October 2021, Police Scotland noted a significant increase in the number of reported crimes relating to Spiking.  This pattern continued for an initial 8 week period, peaking at almost 60 in the first week of November 2021.

After this initial period, reports of Spiking decreased quickly and amounted to single figure weekly reporting by mid-December 2021. A slight increase was noted in the second half of January and into February 2022 (coinciding with lockdown restrictions being lifted); however levels have since fallen back and have remained consistently low since, returning to single figure weekly reporting levels (an average of 6 reports per week since mid-December 2021 until 30 October 2022). 

Between 1 October 2021 and 30 October 2022, there were 601 recorded crimes relating to Spiking.  After investigation and review, 122 have been subsequently reclassified as ‘No Crime’, leaving 479 recorded. Of these 479 reports, 35 (7.3%) involve associated criminality (32 Sexual, 3 Theft).

Analysis of Spiking incidents is undertaken on a weekly basis to ensure national oversight is maintained and understanding evolves.

Due to the complex nature of investigations, it should be noted that analytical findings are only valid at the time of publication and may alter as investigations progress.  With that in mind, the following has been noted from analysis to date:

Victim Profile:

Mostly female, aged 18 – 26 years.

A significant proportion of victims are recorded as being students.

A very low percentage of reports involve associated offending (7.3%).



Nightclubs are the most prevalent location.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the most prevalent days.

The majority of incidents occur in the evening/night.



In 31.3% of reports the victim suspects they have been spiked via injection.

In 38.8% of reports the victim suspects they have been spiked via drink.

In 29.9% of reports the victim is unsure how they have been spiked.

Reports of spiking via injection all relate to incidents where small red marks have consequently been found on the victim’s body and/or a sharp pain has been felt on a body part whilst in a crowd. There are currently no physical witnesses to an incident of spiking via injection in Scotland.

Reports of spiking via drink all relate to the victim suspecting an unknown substance has been added to their drink without their knowledge, resulting in them being overly intoxicated/feeling unwell. There are a small number of physical witnesses to incidents of spiking via drink.

Intersectionality Comment:

As per ‘Victim Profile’, current data indicates the majority of victims are young females who socialise in city centre licensed premises at weekends. There is no available data to identify any particular combination of interconnected social categorisations being targeted, or at an increased risk of becoming a victim of Spiking, other than noting a significant proportion of victims are young female students.

Police Scotland have developed and circulated a comprehensive Investigative Strategy to provide guidance and direction to staff responding to and investigating incidents of Spiking. 

Senior Investigating Officers have been appointed within each territorial Police Division to act as Divisional Single Points of Contact (SPOC) for all Spiking related matters and investigations. 

The Detective Superintendent tasked with national investigative oversight, chairs fortnightly meetings with Divisional SPOC’s, to ensure investigations are supported as required. 

Each report of Spiking is reviewed and investigated, with an absolute determination to support the victim and, where criminality can be evidenced, bring the perpetrator to justice.

It is of note that the level of reporting from October 2021 onwards, resulting in the capture of a significant amount of forensic samples, has presented significant challenges for SPA Forensic Services when considered against the wider national demand, in particular relating to Toxicology analysis.  To overcome this, SPA Forensic Services procured a short term fixed contract, funded by Police Scotland, to outsource the screening of forensic samples to a forensic services provider in England. 

This process is underway and working well, with a large number of screenings complete.  Weekly reviews are in place with SPA Forensic Services to monitor progress.

Given the short term/fixed nature of the aforementioned outsourcing contract, Forensic Services have instigated a further procurement process, again funded by Police Scotland, to outsource forensic screening with a view to ensuring forensic samples awaiting analysis are progressed as soon as possible.  It is hoped this contract will be in place in the near future.

When screening results are received they are reviewed by a Senior Investigating Officer with a view to informing investigations.

There have been four detected cases since October 2021.  All involved Spiking via drink.  Three occurred in residential properties and one in a licenced premises.  In two cases, the perpetrator was known to the victim. One case involved associated criminality (sexual offence).

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