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Published: 24 January 2023

Spiking Update - 7 December 2022

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Police Scotland's Spiking Update.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 7 December 2022

Date : 07 December 2022

Location : online

Partnership & Prevention Response

A key focus of the partnership and prevention response was the delivery of sensitive and appropriate prevention activity and communications. This focussed on safer spaces and perpetrator behaviour, rather than placing the focus and onus on potential victims.

A Corporate Communications toolkit was compiled and shared with Divisional Commanders, for them to disseminate as they saw fit externally, to provide consistency and support to partners, including licensed premises, with the ability to signpost to third party organisations. The toolkit was shared with the Partner’s meeting group which formed part of the Gold Command structure, to promote consistency in messaging for dissemination as members see fit.

A review of the toolkit was carried out in August 2022 ahead of Fresher’s Week and was shared with Divisional Commanders and internal partners and was further shared with wider partners via Scottish Government, who are now coordinating partner activity since the Operation Precept Partners meeting was stood down in February 2022.

As preparations began for Fresher’s week, on 16th May ACC Bex Smith, ACC Major Crime and Public Protection, chaired her first Operation Precept Gold Meeting, having taken over as Gold Commander from ACC Ritchie.

With concerts, festivals and other events resuming following the pandemic, Police Scotland identified the need to convey key messaging to stewards and other event staff. As an interim measure and in advance of the Harry Styles concert at Ibrox Stadium, Glasgow on 11 June 2021, an overview of ByStander theory was compiled and provided to the event organiser for inclusion in Steward’s briefings, in lieu of being able to facilitate full ByStander awareness sessions. This briefing tool has since been shared via the Events Industry Advisory Group for dissemination at other events and work will continue to deliver these key messages periodically.

This briefing tool along with an overview of the ‘Ask for Angela’ initiative was similarly provided for Police Officer event briefings, to ensure awareness of the scheme, which is operated by some event organisers.

On 8th September, ACC Bex Smith and Superintendent Sloan attended the Ministerial Roundtable chaired by the Minister for Higher Education, Further Education, Youth Employment and Training. Further engagement continues with COPFS regarding an issue raised relative to victims and their immigration status preventing them from reporting incidents.

PPCW have an officer seconded to the NPCC Violence Against Women and Girls Task Force, who represent Police Scotland at NPCC Op Lester meetings chaired by DCC Maggie Blyth, NPCC Violence Against Women and Girls Lead. This officer provides a link to share best practice and experiences between Police Scotland and England & Wales. The secondment of this officer has now been extended until March 2023.

A proposed Fresher’s week communications plan was shared from NPCC Op Lester, along with a draft of a flowchart intended to assist Emergency Department staff, which reflects the positional statement from the Royal College of Emergency Medicine. It was confirmed that this position is shared by Royal College of Emergency Medicine in Scotland.

PPCW have been engaging with Best Bar None, coordinated through the Scottish Business Resilience Centre (SBRC). Best Bar None is being rolled out this year, although to a lesser extent than pre-pandemic. Best Bar None will support the promotion of ByStander Awareness through their channels and will host information and material in relation to ‘Ask for Angela’. This has been signposted via the revised Police Scotland Communications Toolkit.

Local Policing Divisions were encouraged to utilise established links with local Universities and Colleges in advance of Fresher’s week and to include spiking awareness messaging in their activities.

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