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Published: 15 September 2023

SPA Public Confidence Polling Report - 12 September 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the SPA Public Confidence Polling Report.

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Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online

Trust in the Police

Similarly, respondents were asked how much trust they have in the police in a number of areas, on a scale of 0 "do not trust at all" to 10 "trust completely".

As with questions of confidence, we observe a decline in the levels of trust reported by the public across the six month period between data collection cycles.

Local police continue to receive the highest level of trust from the public (5.84) and are closely followed by police in Scotland overall (5.66).

In terms of actions, police are trusted to protect (5.38) and care about people (5.36) to around the same degree, with trust to listen and respond to people’s needs slightly lower (5.16). However, converse to confidence, the average trust ratings continue to show that, overall, police are more trusted than not trusted on all measures.

Variations in Trust

Levels of trust in the police vary significantly when looking at demographic and geographic factors


Females are significantly more likely to have more trust in the police for all aspects. 

Parliamentary Area

People in the Glasgow Parliamentary Region have much less trust in the police, on average, than any other Parliamentary Region

Areas of Deprivation

As with confidence, since wave 1 we have observed differences in trust based on the level of deprivation in the local area. Those living in the most deprived areas (SIMD1) typically have less trust in the police on every measure than those in the most affluent areas (SIMD5).

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SPA Public Confidence Polling Report - 16 March 2023