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Published: 15 September 2023

SPA Public Confidence Polling Report - 12 September 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the SPA Public Confidence Polling Report.

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Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online

Perceptions of Anti-Social Behaviour

Several questions were asked in this wave of data collection about the prevalence of anti-social behaviour in local areas. These questions have not been asked in previous survey waves.

The chart below outlines the activities observed within our neighbourhoods in the last 12 months

Respondents were also asked to select the three types of activity they are most concerned about.

Despite littering being the most prevalent activity, only a third of people are most concerned about this issue.

Those in the 60% most deprived areas, SIMD1, SIMD2 and SIMD3 are most worried about people using or dealing drugs/substances in their local area.

Almost half (49%) of residents in the most deprived areas in Scotland (SIMD1) believe using or dealing drugs/substances in their local area. Whereas only a third (34%) of those in the most affluent areas (SIMD5) are worried about people using or dealing drugs/substances.

The types of activity people living in most affluent areas (SIMD5) are concerned about are speeding cars or motorcycles, joyriding and car revving (41%).

The police are most commonly associated with the responsibility for addressing antisocial behaviour in Scotland.

The majority of people in Scotland are open to more activity to curb antisocial behaviour. Prevention action is the most sought after (79%), however engagement, deterrent diversionary action all have strong support (77%).

Communication preferences

To conclude, respondents were asked to indicate their preference for communication methods to report antisocial behaviour.

No significant differences were observed between groups for those likely (very or somewhat) or unlikely (very or somewhat) to use a particular channel.

This means that preferences do not necessarily depend on a respondents location or other socio-demographic variables.


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SPA Public Confidence Polling Report - 16 March 2023