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Published: 15 September 2023

SPA Public Confidence Polling Report - 12 September 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the SPA Public Confidence Polling Report.

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Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online

Confidence in Police

Respondents were asked how much confidence they have in the police in a number of areas, on a scale of 0 "no confidence at all" to 10 "complete confidence".

As with previous waves of data collection, police in local areas receive the highest levels of confidence from the public. However, all aspects are trending downwards with lower averages for all aspects observed. Differences quoted are between January 2023 and June 2023

This is the first wave of the research where the average level of confidence reported by members of the public has fallen below 5 out of 10 for any indicator. This is true for providing an appropriate and timely response (4.82), preventing crime in local areas (4.78) and tackling anti-social behaviour in local areas (4.5).

Variations in Confidence

Levels of confidence in police vary significantly when looking at demographic and geographic factors


Males are significantly more likely to have less confidence in police for all aspects


Working class people (those in the C2DE category) have less confidence in the police, than people who are middle and upper class (ABC1)

Areas of deprivation

Since the first wave of polling we have observed differences in confidence based on level of deprivation in the local area. Those living in the most deprived areas (SIMD1) are typically less confident in the police on every measure than those in the most affluent areas (SIMD5). 

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