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Published: 03 November 2023

SPA Public Body Duties - 7 November 2023

Report Summary

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee - 7 November 2023

Date : 07 November 2023

Location : online

Self assessment findings

This self-assessment has demonstrated that the Authority is a learning organisation. The assessment approach was devised by the SPA Corporate team, with no available benchmarking information or guidance from across the sector. This being the case, the Authority is keen to share our assessment method and learning with other public sector partners.

There is robust evidence that the Authority is compliant in 14 out of 19 public body duties considered. Three duties have been assessed as partially compliant and improvement actions recommended. The results reinforce confidence in the coordinating processes put in place through the implementation of SPA’s 2020 organisational change programme, enabling focus and rigour in delivering against a diverse set of duties. Central to the approach is effective working with Police Scotland, reporting on the Authority’s behalf on several duties.

Two duties have been assessed as non-compliant. Fairer Scotland duty has a suggested recommendation to set a clear expectation on how meeting the Fairer Scotland Duty should be evidenced and considered in strategic decision making. The Islands Duty recommendations are to work with Police Scotland to document current process and compliance on islands impact.

Findings have already been shared with Forensic Services colleagues and collective work has begun to enhance our existing evidence of compliance.

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