Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of the work undertaken to review the Authority’s Corporate Governance Framework.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 24 August 2023
Date : 24 August 2023
Location : COSLA, Edinburgh
The Corporate Governance Framework of the Scottish Police Authority is made up of a suite of documents which currently comprise:
Scottish Government’s Governance and Accountability Framework Document of the Scottish Police Authority
SPA Standing Orders
Committee Terms of Reference
Matters Reserved for Board
The Authority’s Financial Regulations
SPA Scheme of Delegation
The Authority’s Corporate Governance Framework was last reviewed in March 2022, with further amendments made to the Financial Regulations approved in August 2022. The Authority is committed to regular review of its Governance arrangements. The process for 2022/23 has taken account of -
Findings from 2022/23 Annual Review of Committee Effectiveness, which focused on Transparency; understanding and expectations of corporate staff and members; and improving business co-ordination.
Findings from the HMICS review of SPA Forensic Services Toxicology Provision, published in April 2023
The need for some corrections and clarifications, including the revised Financial Regulations following implementation August 2022.
Overall, the review process has concluded that the Corporate Governance Framework remains effective and is working well, but some changes to standing orders and committee terms of reference are appropriate for ongoing improvement and in response to changing circumstances. The recommended updates are summarised below with updates and deletions clearly highlighted in the attached appendices.